Sonoris Mastering Compressor v1.2.0.0 Incl Patched and Keygen [macOS]


Sonoris Mastering Compressor v1.2.0.0 Incl Patched and KeygenThe Sonoris Mastering Compressor is a wideband mastering compressor in VST, VST3, AU, and AAX format for Windows and Mac. It is an ultra clean compressor suitable for delicate material.


Ultra clean wideband mastering compressor
Ratio ranging from 1:1 to infinity for compression and limiting
Attack ranging from 0 msec to 1 sec
Selectable auto-attack
Release ranging from 1 msec to 5 sec
Selectable auto-release ranging from 0.5 sec. to 5 sec. program dependent
Threshold ranging from -60 dBfs to 0 dBfs
Very flexible knee setting from hard to soft in 100 steps
A second knee that enables the compressor to adjust the ratio back to 1:1 above the threshold, also adjustable in 100 steps from hard to soft knee
Feedback and feedforward detector types
Selectable high-pass, band-pass and low-pass sidechain filters
Variable: sidechain linking is adjustable from fully linked to fully split
Highest Link: sidechains linked with the highest value of the left and right channel
MS Split: sidechain signals split with the mid and side channels
Make up gain ranging from -18 dB to +18 dB
2x, 4x, 8x or auto upsampling for even less artifacts
Selectable gentle even harmonic distortion on the output
Parallel compression fader
A/B comparison
Large graphical display with dragable handles for maximum control
Scalable user interface
Gain transfer plot
High resolution gain reduction meter
High resolution level meter with resettable peak indicator
Full automation possible
Mousewheel support
Settings can be saved and loaded
Double precision internal resolution and interfacing with compatible DAWs
Windows 32/64 bit VST, VST3 and AAX versions
Mac OS 64 bit Intel / Apple Silicon VST, VST3, AU and AAX versions
Installer and uninstaller
Easy Online License Activation
USB drive based license activation for offline computers


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