Reason RE DNA Labs Glacius X v2.0.0 PROPER-R2R


Reason RE DNA Labs Glacius X v2.0.0 PROPER-R2RThe Glacius X Version 2 has arrived… Equipped with a gigantic 6gb sound bank of hit-making ammunition! Glacius includes tons of new trunk shaking 808 subs, kicks, snares, claps, closed hihats, open hihats, cymbals, glitched drum sets, never before heard super saws, ghostly singing synths, trap style flutes, metallic bells, elaborate string sections, eerie pianos, giant cinematic brass, heavenly choir synths, huge cinematic hits, reverse glitched poly synths, rockstar guitars, hybrid textured pads, and modern futuristic gated synths.

With both industry ready orchestral instruments and totally new synthesized instruments, the Glacius Synthesizer RE combines the power of an eye pleasing and user definable GUI/UX (9 factory Skins & bonus hidden skins) with a unique futuristic quad X layer osc/sampling engine & totally new multi-effects processing engine. Glacius Synthesizer is a modern rack extension for producers of all genres ranging from trap, hip hop, dub step, house, & all electronic dance music to dramatic & realistic orchestral scoring! New HUGE Kontent Xpansion refills are also available!

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