PUREMIX Start to Finish Greg Wells Episode 5 Recording The Drums TUTORiAL


PUREMIX Start to Finish Greg Wells Episode 5 Recording The Drums TUTORiAL

In Episode Five, Greg Wells sits at the drum kit in the live room of Sunset Sound’s legendary Studio A to lay down a powerful drum track for Bryce Drew’s song “Lucky Number”

Watch as Sunset Sound Engineer, Zach Zajdel:

Chooses microphones
Goes over microphone placement and setup
Dials in the initial drum sounds
Checks phase relationships between microphones
Positions stereo sets of microphones to reflect the stereo image of the kit

Then, watch as Greg:

Reviews and adjusts the drum sounds to taste
Compresses and EQs the mono kit microphone
Performs the drum track
Uses beat detective to edit the drum performance
Uses parallel compression and EQ to make the side stick and snare drum sound larger than life
Times a specific snare reverb for the bridge


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