MixWithTheMasters Tony Hoffer Remixing “Midnight City” by M83, Deconstructing a Mix #45


MixWithTheMasters Tony Hoffer Remixing “Midnight City” by M83, Deconstructing a Mix #45

MWTM brings you a series premiere featuring the esteemed producer and mixer Tony Hoffer! In this instalment, he dives into the original Pro Tools mix session of ‘Midnight City’ by M83, the platinum-certified lead single from their 2011 album ‘Hurry Up, We’re Dreaming’. Hoffer speaks of the project’s background and explains how the record was mixed in hybrid fashion. After playing the rough mix and session material, he remixes the song completely ‘In the Box’. Tony reveals the plug-ins and settings initially used, then voices what he feels should be left alone and what could be improved based on his current workflow and tools available. You will learn about his logical approach to equalization, subtle master buss treatment, practical way of processing groups, and more! Aside from sharing his mix techniques, Hoffer elaborates on production, arrangement, and aesthetic.

Part 1
09 min
Project background, mixing the album, equipment used, production, arrangement, digital workflow transition

Part 2
18 min
Session overview, rough mix, commentary, master buss approach, headroom, gain staging, drums, sub frequencies

Part 3
23 min
Parallel processing, reverb, delay, synths, vocals, modulation, sidechain compression, brightness, distortion

Part 4
18 min
Vocal filtering, EQ, dynamics, effects, presence, using noise, tweaking balance, mix compression

Part 5
20 min
Delay throws, ‘Bomb’ tracks, bells, claps, electric guitar, phaser, saxophone, spring reverb

Part 6
24 min
Drum group, drone tracks, vocal blends, ad libs, tape emulation, de-essing, master automation, mix comparison

Part 7
11 min
Original vs. new processing, broad stroke philosophy, limiting, production & mix phases, song elements


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