Leak Ink Photoshop Action by GMaster Free Download


Leak Ink Photoshop Action by GMaster Free Download

GMaster Leak Ink Photoshop Action

Working Software Version : CC2018 English Version. If you are not using the English version, you can switch your Photoshop in English, play the action and return to your language back. How to do it – https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=How+to+change+language+on+Photoshop+to+english

Software support version : Cs4, CS5, CS6 , CC2017, CC2018… Version


1. Leak Ink Photoshop action 2. Brushes 3. Pattern 4. Help file Photos : photo are not include

LEAK INK Photoshop Action | You can use this paint drip effect for your cover design, example magazine, book, advertisement , posters, baners, background etc.

This cool Leak Ink action will turn your favorit photo into modern art design with just one click!

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