Keyboard Waves Disco Strings for KONTAKT
The Disco Strings Mainpatch, utilizing over 120 MB of new disco strings samples.
Disco Strings library programmed by Keyboard Waves
Kontakt FORMAT
* Format: .NKI
* Kontakt 5.8 minimum
* Name: Disco Strings Kontakt v1.2 * Size: 120MB
* Voices: 1 Voice
The Voices Descriptions
Real Samples of Strings (Violin, Viola, Cello, D Basse) mixed to make an original sound “playable” on keyboard :
Forte : String Falls (articulation commonly used in disco charts)
Mezzo : Fast attack and long sustain mezzo forte
Piano : Long attack ans long sustain piano
2 “attack” samples in random mode for a different attack to every keystroke.
120Mo of Waveforms.