Keyboard Waves Disco Strings for KONTAKT


Keyboard Waves Disco Strings for KONTAKT

The Disco Strings Mainpatch, utilizing over 120 MB of new disco strings samples.

Disco Strings library programmed by Keyboard Waves

Kontakt FORMAT

* Format: .NKI
* Kontakt 5.8 minimum
* Name: Disco Strings Kontakt v1.2 * Size: 120MB
* Voices: 1 Voice

The Voices Descriptions

Real Samples of Strings (Violin, Viola, Cello, D Basse) mixed to make an original sound “playable” on keyboard :

Forte : String Falls (articulation commonly used in disco charts)
Mezzo : Fast attack and long sustain mezzo forte
Piano : Long attack ans long sustain piano
2 “attack” samples in random mode for a different attack to every keystroke.
120Mo of Waveforms.


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