Jupiterbyjay Jupiter 8-ER FOR KONTAKT


Jupiterbyjay Jupiter 8-ER FOR KONTAKTJupiterbyjay presents: Jupiter 8-ER Kontakt Instrument

This is not a simple recording of the JP-8 with a cheap Audio Interface as you find everywhere for 5$! Our Recording chain consists of High Grade Studio Gear.

We are proud to present this Sample Pack for the Roland Jupiter 8 fans around the world. The DAW users will experience 38 Kontakt instruments. The Demo Song shows off the sonic 
quality. Every Sound is included in this
 awesome Pack. (not the Drums)

Imagine being able to play the famous Roland Jupiter 8 Sounds in your DAW (uncompressed)

We are using overpriced analog gear only!

+ Our priceless ears to capture the magical sound of this Synthesizer in to your DAW.

+ 3GB+ / Unzipped

+ Uncompressed Pure 3D Sound

+ 51 Kontakt Instruments

+ 24Bit / 44kHz

+ 2020 Mastering Grade ADC

+ Stereo WAV Files

+ Timeless Brass and String sounds

+ Deep Bass and Subbass

+ ERS Technology (Random Round Robin)

+ Basic waveforms of the Synth

+ HQ Studio Analog Processing


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