Heavyocity Media Scoring Guitars KONTAKT


Heavyocity Media Scoring Guitars KONTAKT

Heavyocity Media Scoring Guitars KONTAKT

Scoring Guitars is am inspiring collection of cinematic guitars, with over 760 professional-quality sound sources driven through Heavyocity’s powerful GRAVITY engine. Featuring pads, phrases, performance palettes, and an arsenal of tempo-synced loop pulses, Scoring Guitars is the cinematic guitar VI composers have been waiting for. Combining the guitar’s powerful organic overtones with their signature sound design prowess, Heavyocity has developed a captivating virtual instrument, production-ready to build atmosphere and ambience into your next cinematic score.


From the makers of Vocalise & Natural Forces comes yet another addition to the acclaimed GRAVITY family of instruments. But this GRAVITY Pack is all about guitars: delivering a library packed with crisp harmonics and pulses, warm reverses, and dramatic phrases. Get your hands on it and see, with Scoring Guitars Heavyocity has built another must-have tool for the serious composer.

Intricate Phrasing
When building a state-of-the-art guitar VI, it always helps to start with the world’s most famous guitars and amps — and that’s exactly what Heavyocity did. But tirelessly recording the purest of analog guitar tones, and using superior modern and vintage gear was only Step 1. Next up, Heavyocity’s award-winning sound design team went to work converting this compelling source audio into over 4GB of world-class content. The result is a truly dynamic virtual instrument, perfect for building ethereal soundscapes, driving tonal beds, and emotional underscore. With over 760 professional-quality sound sources driven through Heavyocity’s powerful GRAVITY engine, Scoring Guitars is the cinematic guitar VI you’ve been waiting for.

Expert Sound Design
The word is out – Heavyocity’s sound design prowess is in a league of its own, and Scoring Guitars is yet another example of the team’s unparalleled approach to content creation. For nearly a decade, Heavyocity has tweaked, mixed, mangled, and processed the most pristine of high-quality sound elements, with the aim to enable and inspire a generation of composers.

Combining best-in-class audio sources with innovative processing technologies has been the staple of the Heavyocity sound, and Scoring Guitars is no exception. With layered pads, rhythmic pulses, and more, the raw materials are all there to create lush sonic landscapes. The rest is up to you.

•4.41 GB uncompressed
•760+ Sound Sources
•180+ Snapshots
•300+ Motion Presets (NKA’s)
•415+ NKIs
•30 Complex Pads
•276 Single Pads
•4 Ambient, Pad and Drone Menus
•10 Pulse and Phrases Menus
•87 Single Pulses
•12 Performance Palettes
•Motion page for advanced volume, pitch, and pan pattern creation
•Playable Trigger FX™ for real-time control

Kontakt 5 (Player) ver 5.5.2 or higher

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