Groove3 Producing in Different Time Signatures Explained TUTORiAL


Groove3 Producing in Different Time Signatures Explained TUTORiALAre you getting tired of good ol’ 4/4 meter? Well, you’ve come to the right place. In this music meter video course, veteran Groove3 instructor Gary Hiebner presents a master class in time signatures and how to produce songs that step off the beaten path. Not only will you grasp the concepts of rhythmic theory, such as “4/4,” “7/8,” and so on, but you’ll also discover the diverse ways in which you can employ these time signatures to create sophisticated rhythms and keep the listener engaged. By the end of the course, you’ll have mastered all things meter and will be ready to start incorporating your newfound knowledge in your very next production.

Gary begins the course by providing a concise summary of all the topics, then delves into the most widely used time signature: 4/4. You’ll learn how beats, bars, and counting work, and you’ll see how to program a quick 4/4 drum beat to cement your knowledge of the concept. Gary will then delve into the relationship between chords and rhythm, showcasing their frequent intertwinement with the meter and our interpretation of it.

Next, you’ll see how to effectively change a 4/4 part to 3/4 by removing a beat and altering the chord progression to better suit the new meter. This is followed by a look at 5/4 and a comparison to 4/4 to show how it differs. You’ll then explore various rhythmic groupings that can be used in 5/4 and hear how each affects the feel of the piece.

There’s plenty more to come, including 6/4 meter and its various groupings, 6/8 and other compound meters (how it differs from 3/4), complex meters like 7/4, 7/8, 13/8, and 15/8, combining several meters in the same song (such as 4/4 and 7/4), polymeters (using two different meters simultaneously), polyrhythms (accenting two different rhythmic groupings within the same meter), and more!

If you’ve always wanted to know more about rhythm, this course is for you. You will also acquire a wealth of useful information that you can apply musically, enabling you to infuse your own music with the same rhythmic sophistication found in your favorite bands or artists. Take a look at the descriptions of each individual video tutorial to gain a deeper understanding of the topics covered and to get inspiration for incorporating these concepts into your next production. It’s good to stray off the beaten path from time to time… Watch “Producing in Different Time Signatures Explained®” now!

What You Will Learn:

-How beats and bars work and all the components that make up a time signature.

-Techniques for converting a 4/4 riff or part to other meters like 3/4 or 5/4.

-Using complex meters like 7/4, 7/8, 13/8 and how the various rhythmic groupings will affect the feel.

-How to combine two different meters (like 4/4 and 7/4) in one song to generate interest.

-And much more!


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