Groove3 Logic Pro Delay Plugins Explained TUTORiAL


Groove3 Logic Pro Delay Plugins Explained TUTORiALJoin Logic Pro guru Eli Krantzberg for an in-depth look at the delay plugins of Logic Pro. Eli examines all the parameters and controls for each plugin and provides plenty of demonstrations, so you can hear everything in context and get a good idea of each effect’s possibilities. Whether you just need the simplicity of Echo, the character and vibe of Tape Delay, or the routing functionality of Stereo Delay, it’s all covered here and more. These Logic Pro videos are designed for users new to these delay plugins.

Eli welcomes you to the course and begins by looking at common elements to all delay plugins followed by an examination of the simpler Echo plugin in Logic Pro. Then you’ll see several uses for Sample Delay, including both creative (to stereoize a mono track by slightly offsetting the timing of one channel) and corrective (to fix frequency cancellation due to multiple mics).

Next, check out how to add some retro flavor to your tracks with the Tape Delay plugin, with which you can simulate a tape-based delay unit, including parameters like tape saturation, pitch modulation, and tape speed fluctuation, etc. You’ll get to hear it in action on a Rhodes track, vocals, and bass.

There’s more to come as well, including Stereo Delay (independent routing of left and right repeats for unique rhythmic variations or for adding movement to source sounds), Delay Designer (unique effect that allows for exceptional control of repeats and sounds), delay mixing tips, and more!

If you’re a Logic Pro user, you owe it to yourself to check out the delay effects before looking at any third-party options. With this Logic Pro course, you’ll get well-versed in all things delay in Logic Pro quickly and will also get some additional tips that will be applicable with any delay plugin. Check out the individual Logic Pro delay video tutorial descriptions for more information on everything that’s covered in the course. Don’t delay… Watch “Logic Pro Delay Plugins Explained®” today!

What You Will Learn:

-Common elements and parameters found in all delay plugins.

-Using Sample Delay to stereoize a mono track and to correct frequency cancellation issues.

-Add vintage vibe with Tape Delay, which emulates tape-based delay machines with parameters like tape speed fluctuation, tape saturation, and pitch modulation.

-Mixing tips on using delays creatively with unique routing options and other processing.

-And more!

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