Cinetools Witchcraft WAV


Cinetools Witchcraft WAV

‘Witchcraft’ is the newest sound library from Cinetools. It features over 13 GB of elemental dark magic SFX consisting of +1,750 high-quality sound effects relating to spells, curses, conjures, exploration, defence, transformation, attack, and more. You can harness the power of the ethereal elements to create your own unique effects.

This enchanting library focuses on the 7 main elements of magic: Acid, Earth, Electricity, Fire, Ice, Nature and Water, but also includes a huge range of additional material to allow you to cater the library to your needs – and brings you production-ready sound effects such as: immolation, paralyse, torment, petrification, summon, acid lance, glacial spike, energy burst, firebolt, fulmination, frozen touch, sandstorm, waterspout, fire arrow, cauterise, boulder cast, telekinesis, ignition, blizzard spell, water strike, revenge spell, acid rain, and more.

One of the greatest assets of this library is that it provides you with three main folders to speed up your process: ‘Designed’, ‘Designer Tools’ and ‘Pre-Designed’. All sounds are hyper-detailed, layered and manipulated so that they can easily be added to your projects.

The ‘Designed’ folder includes the bulk of the library’s content with an eclectic range of ready-to-use sound effects. All sounds are of varying lengths and stand strongly on their own. Just simply drag & drop into your project and make it sound magical. It is organised into various focused content including the Elemental folder which are split into the seven elements as mentioned above.

The second folder ‘Designer Tools’ allows you to exercise your creativity. It contains all the necessary elements you need to design your own magical sounds from scratch including:


Plus fully organic elemental contents such as Electricity, Fire, Ice, Liquid, Rock, Sands & Gravels and Pebbles, Wind and Woods. In detail, the files are titled: buzz power, electrocution, electric glitches and noises, sparks, statics, welding, black powder burst, blowtorch, gas flames, gun powders, hair spray, burning oil, frying bacon, oil burst, ice crackles, ice impacts, aquarium air stones, boiling corn starch, bubbling water, drifting and sliding rock, sand and gravel crackles, wind, woods.

Bonus sounds include ambiences, monsters and creatures SFX, stingers and whooshes.

All the sounds are recorded with Rode NTG-3, Rode NT4, Rode NTG-8, Rode NT1, AKG C414, Sound Devices 722, Zoom F8, Zoom H6, Tascam DR-44WL and perfectly categorised and labelled to make it easy for you to use them and ready to combine with the other sources and create the most unique sound for your production. Combinations are endless.

The 192kHz/24-Bit file rate gives you the best quality for extreme pitch-shifting and FX processing while keeping a top-notch level of clarity and precision.

The ‘Pre-Designed’ folder gives you more flexibility. You are totally free to manipulate any of these sounds by creating a new sound with either designed sounds and designed tools, or different sounds entirely. It is smaller than the other folders but gives you a high level of customisation to craft unique SFX sounds yourself. Every sound was originally recorded at 192kHz/24-Bit and delivered in 96kHz/24-Bit to ensure the highest quality for today’s Cinematic production needs.

All of the samples have been pre-cleared and are 100% original & royalty-free for use without any additional licensing fees.

‘Witchcraft’ will find its place in your library as an indispensable reference point for your next fantasy production, movie, trailer, game, documentary, advertising or any kind of cinematic and multimedia project.

Are you ready to explore the realms of ‘Witchcraft’?

Product Details:

• 13.18 GB
• 1,757 Files
• 192kHz/24-Bit (Designer Tools)
• 96kHz/24-Bit (Designed and Pre-Designed SFX)
• 100% Royalty-Free
• 382 Designed SFX
• 320 Elemental Cast & Spells
• 48 Acid Cast
• 69 Earth Cast
• 30 Electricity Cast
• 42 Fire Cast
• 62 Ice Cast
• 38 Nature Cast
• 31 Water Cast
• 22 Various Cast
• 18 Conjures
• 11 Spheres
• 11 Summons
• 1220 Designer Tools
• 825 Elemental Sounds
• 143 Electricity
• 214 Fire
• 40 Ice
• 214 Liquid
• 118 Rock
• 70 Sand & Gravel & Pebble
• 10 Wind
• 16 Wood
• 19 Atmospheres
• 26 Drones
• 30 Piercers
• 20 Reverses
• 22 Stingers
• 10 Subs
• 54 Sweeps
• 40 Textures
• 29 Voices
• 145 Bonus Sounds
• 25 Ambience & Field Recordings
• 45 Monsters & Creatures
• 25 Stingers
• 50 Whooshes
• 155 Pre-Designed SFX


Witchcraft.part01.rar – 986.0 MB
Witchcraft.part02.rar – 986.0 MB
Witchcraft.part03.rar – 986.0 MB
Witchcraft.part04.rar – 986.0 MB
Witchcraft.part05.rar – 986.0 MB
Witchcraft.part06.rar – 986.0 MB
Witchcraft.part07.rar – 986.0 MB
Witchcraft.part08.rar – 850.0 MB

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