CDSoundMaster The Apex Tape Collection for Nebula Pro


CDSoundMaster The Apex Tape Collection for Nebula Pro

CDSoundMaster The Apex Tape Collection for Nebula Pro

The Apex Tape Collection for Nebula Pro provides you with a world-class suite of the best reel to reel machines by this single manufacturer. From classic, vintage all-tube machines to the best 1/2″ mastering machine still in use today, the Apex Tape Collection is the perfect solution for fans of the ‘APEX’ sound, and it is an ideal compliment to our R2R collection of tape machines!

CDS has spent years developing the most realistic tape machine plug-ins for you to enjoy. Tape is extremely complex. There are characteristics that are very general that tend to apply to all machines, and there are unique qualities that are specific to each machine that cannot be generalized.

We created the concept of the 3 stage tape process to give you all of the best choices without sacrificing quality. At the first stage, there is “R2R – Reel TOO Real,” and now “The Apex Tape Collection.” For less than the cost of a single tape emulator, these collections provide a suite of vintage 1950’s tube devices, popular ‘prosumer’ tube and solid state machines that are often used as professional ‘secret weapons’ for guitars and the like, and the best multi-track 2″ machines and 1/4″ and 1/2″ mixdown/mastering two-track machines ever made. Choose the tape machine for your track or mix and instantly recall the classic sound that fits your music. Stage two is called Tape Booster Plus. It uses the same VVKT processing as R2R and Apex, to provide you with the ability to naturally boost the signal of your favorite tape machines. You can add it to your signal chain on tracks, buss groups, and main outs, to add natural tape saturation on top of the machine you choose, which gives more perceived volume without harming transients. The third stage is VTM-M2, our completely separate process for creating a tape machine that allows for limiting, compressing, and complex tape saturation all in one mastering-quality processor. VTM-M2 is designed to fit perfectly at the end of the chain after R2R or Apex, and TB+, to give that final tape quality that adds limiting, compression, and saturation in a unique way that only tape machines provide.

This 3 stage process allows you to choose only the tape qualities that matter the most to your productions, but all 3 stages are designed to work together for perfect tape recreation in the digital domain. With any other developer, you either get an expensive generalized saturator, a costly emulator of a single machine, or a generic emulator with multiple functions that doesn’t sound exactly like any specific machine. With CDS, you get the absolute signature sound of specific machines, the ability to boost the signal using the same technology without any harm to transients, and a mastering grade tape processor with the most accurate limiiting, compressing, and saturating characteristics to complete the ultimate tape sound.

The Apex Tape Collection lets you use the classic 351, 602, 440B, 2070, MM1100, and ATR-102 reel to reel machines at an unbelievable value, all with multiple tape speeds.

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