BOOM Library Historical Firearms Bundle WAV


BOOM Library Historical Firearms Bundle WAV

BOOM Library Historical Firearms Bundle WAV

The sound of historical battefields was loud and dominated by the explosive charges of smoky muskets, carbines, cannons and revolvers. HISTORICAL FIREARMS brings you the exact sound of these old-fashioned weapons. Loud, deadly, uncompromising and from the times where no one even thought about things like silencers or ammo clips. The BUNDLE gives you all ready-to-use SFX from the DESIGNED edition plus the massive amount of source recordings from the CONSTRUCTION KIT


Create great epic battles from the civil war, the napoleonic wars or design the grand finale of a thrilling pistol duel.

HISTORICAL FIREARMS DESIGNED is your best choice for high quality sound effects of cannons, pistols, revolvers and rifles from the good old times. Whether you need some precise single shots or a group of up to 100 rifles. Scale it to your needs and let your audience reminisce the old days.

Each file contains four variations of a single sound. All sound effects were designed by using only the source files of the “HISTORICAL FIREARMS CONSTRUCTION KIT”. To improve your workflow even more, all files contain well-grounded Soundminer metadata to quickly and exactly find the sound you need.

•Library ships in 96kHz/24bit High Definition Audio
•296 royalty free sound effects in 74 files
•17 weapons, 3 different sized group shots
•Effective workflow: well-grounded Soundminer Metadata



Your next project contains historical battlefields with thousands of infantry soldiers, some evil pistol-swinging pirates or some fine gentlemen demanding “satisfaction” in an old-fashioned duel? With this library, you get all our HISTORICAL FIREARMS source recordings in high quality. Shots of muzzle-loaders, muskets, carbines, pistols, cannons, breechloaders, etc. In addition to that, you will also find great handling sounds. Choose between 17 different weapons that were recorded on two locations in a multi-channel setup with 12 tracks.

HISTORICAL FIREARMS CONSTRUCTION KIT comes with an incredible sample rate of 192kHz/24bit. Delivered on 2 DVDs, this collection is packed with 8+ GB of high quality source recordings. 1.300+ single sound effects in 240+ files.

The high sample rate is giving you the best quality for heavy editing, pitching, and fx processing while keeping a top notch level of clarity and precision. To provide you with the fastest and easiest workflow possible all files contain extensive metadata.

•Library ships in 192kHz/24bit High Definition Audio
•17 different weapons + group shots (volleys)
•1300+ royalty free sound effects in 240+ files
•recorded on two locations in a 12-ch multichannel setup
•Effective workflow: well-grounded Soundminer Metadata

300+ files, 1.500+ sounds | 192kHz, 96kHz/24bit, WAV | 12.8GB

<<Download Links>>


BOOM.Library.Historical.Firearms.part01.rar – 700.0 MB
BOOM.Library.Historical.Firearms.part02.rar – 700.0 MB
BOOM.Library.Historical.Firearms.part03.rar – 700.0 MB
BOOM.Library.Historical.Firearms.part04.rar – 700.0 MB
BOOM.Library.Historical.Firearms.part05.rar – 700.0 MB
BOOM.Library.Historical.Firearms.part06.rar – 700.0 MB
BOOM.Library.Historical.Firearms.part07.rar – 529.1 MB

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