Audiority Shimmer Sky for Omnisphere


Audiority Shimmer Sky for Omnisphere

Audiority Shimmer Sky for Omnisphere

Shimmer Sky is a collection of warm, icy, spacey, ambient and shimmer pads.

Click on “UTILITY” menu and select “Install .omnisphere”
Select the “.omnisphere” soundbank and you are ready to play.

Shimmer Sky comes in multiple formats, although the main one is Omnisphere 2. The concept is to provide both LAYERS and MIX presets, to be stacked with more of your sounds or controlled with the Mod Wheel to gradually increase the shimmer layer.

Use the LAYER patches in a multi to create your own ambient and shimmer instruments.
Use the MIX patches to play the regular pad and engage the shimmer layer by using your Mod Wheel.
Set and use “User CC” (Omnisphere 2 only) to morph the pad layer into a rhythmic pulse.

100 Omnisphere 2.1.0e presets (+60 soundsources)


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