Audiobro Modern Scoring Strings v1.1.0 rollerball’s Lite Version KONTAKT


Audiobro Modern Scoring Strings v1.1.0 rollerball’s Lite Version KONTAKT

This is a light version of the Audiobro Modern Scoring Strings library. The library features a 60 piece “a2″ divisi string ensemble, meaning 2 parts divisi per section. The library features 16 first violins, 14 second violins, 12 violas, 10 cellos and 8 basses, divided into two sections each. On top of that, it includes a solo violin, viola, and cello as well. The sound of the library is quite lush and smooth, and the vibrato is quite balanced even when the “Molto” button is enabled and doesn’t go to the extremes unlike some other libraries. The dynamic range is quite large and allows the library to be used in various contexts. The natural ambience from the scoring stage is quite adequate and not too overbearing, which makes the library more versatile.

The strongest feature of this library is its Auto Divisi feature, which works upto two notes for each instrument group and gets rid of the stacking effect when playing multiple notes and allows for divisi writing. On top of that, the library includes a wealth of articulations for a quite comprehensive coverage of one’s scoring needs. Each articulation has a variety of parameters that can be tweaked, which gives the user granular control over their composition. Of particular note is the Ostinato feature which helps in making ostinato patterns sound good quite easy. The solo instruments sound great too and work great as first chair instruments, and in some contexts can serve really well independent of the main library too. The Intuition Series patches are very playable and are great for putting down ideas quickly. Finally, the Stage feature is nice and the Mixer panel is one of the most comprehensive ones in a Kontakt library.

All in all, a fantastic library that has a really long list of features, is very versatile, and would please anyone who likes complete control of their instruments!

Following changes were made to the library:

1. The “Mix” and “Surround” mic sample groups were removed. The default Mix isn’t that great, and as discovered in a few forums, seems to have a few phase issues as well. The Surround mic position doesn’t add too much value, and can be easily replaced by a reverb. The included “Close” and “Stage” mic positions allow for a great deal of flexibility while preserving the sound of the hall the strings were recorded in as well. However, the Mix position remains present for the Aleatoric articulations only, as these articulations don’t have any other mic positions.

2. The samples in the original release were in 24-bit 48kHz format. The samples were converted to 16-bit 48kHz and repacked into NKX containers. A null test results in a peak of -85dB, which won’t be audible at all. Also, after quite some testing, no issues were found with noise floor build-up when playing lots of notes. The conversion process takes the size down to 34.4GB from the original 122GB, which is a 72% reduction! 

The result of these changes is that patches now consume less memory than the original. For example, the “Cellos.nki” patch now takes up 0.96GB of RAM instead of 1.26GB in the case of the original library!

NOTE: Kontakt v6.0.2 or higher is required. This library does not work with legit full version of Kontakt and k’d Kontakt is necessary to use this library.

Modern Scoring Strings sets a new benchmark in orchestral and scoring string libraries and is built on our new orchestral engine. This 60-piece multi-instrument divisi library was painstakingly developed by recording different divisi sections (1/2 section at a time)* on a trusted scoring stage giving you unprecedented individual control of each instrument and section. The breadth of articulations was carefully chosen to provide for an enormous range of colors and emotions in your musical productions.

From the delicate tones of a divisi section playing harmonics, to the power of a Tutti Martelé, to scales and ostinatos and everything in between — Modern Scoring Strings is a library that fully captures the broad expressive range and diversity of the orchestral string family. Pristine recordings and meticulous editing ensure every note of your music will shine.

Here are just some of Modern Scoring Strings’s features:
• Polyphonic Real Legato: Our renowned legato, portamento, and glissando with speed and rebow control.
• Real Variable Attack Control: Real variable attack samples for all sustains – recorded on each note and at each dynamic.
• The Ostinato Engine: 2-note phrases at multiple dynamics covering the following intervals: m2, M2, m3, M3, Perfect 4, and Perfect 5th.
These were recorded starting at both the upper and lower interval for over a 2-octave range. You can simply play a chord and our different intelligent engine options will automatically create ostinato lines outlining your notes and in your chosen tonality in your tempo. It’s like magic!
• The Scale Engine that can intelligently play real 16th and 8th note triplet phrases at tempo all while following your chosen tonality.
• Numerous Shorts: Martelé, Staccato, Staccatissimo, and Spiccato recordings, all with numerous round robins at multiple dynamics.
• Aleatoric Recordings: Play and combine numerous aleatoric patterns that were recorded up the entire range of the instrument.
• Octave Runs: Play round robin major and minor octave runs (both up and down). They will sync to your tempo automatically.
• A full complement of articulation key switches come pre-set, but you can also build your own. Set up your articulation settings and layers just the way you want.
• Easily build your own player ensemble or use our pre-made ensembles.
• New Audiobro engine supports Kontakt 6.04+ and NKS-enabled hardware.
• New Auto Divisi engine with all-in-1 patches.
• Independent control of divisi section tuning, humanization, and vibrato.
• Advanced Key Switching by Key, CC, velocity, and combinations thereof.
• Control Dynamics the way you prefer: CC, velocity, or a combination.
• Assignable Repeat Key makes playing double and triple tongue chords (and same-note-legato) simple and fun.
• Full manual vibrato control: By default all instruments play a natural vibrato commensurate to dynamic, but if you prefer you can enable full manual vibrato control
• The next generation of A.R.T. (the Auto Rhythm Tool) with MIDI export, synced modes, arpeggiator, and ostinato tool.
• Multi Mic mixes including Close, Stage, Surround, and a Full mix.

1. The patches in the Splits → Full Mix folder are not functional as they include the Mix sample group only, which was removed.
2. It takes a lot of time to save the patches. So if any changes are made, it is preferred to save them as Snapshots instead.
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