Applied Acoustics Systems Octagon Chromaphone 2 Soundpack


Applied Acoustics Systems Octagon Chromaphone 2 Soundpack

Applied Acoustics Systems Octagon Chromaphone 2 Soundpack

Octagon is sound designer Daniel Stawczyk’s third Sound Pack Series title for Chromaphone 2. This time around he proposes a 149-preset collection of carefully designed arpeggiated layered sounds. Sometimes pushing forward the richness of Chromaphone 2 to its full potential, at others opting for depth, finesse, and refined delicacy. On Octagon, Daniel takes full advantage of the arpeggiator’s density and intricacy. Packed with an inspiring cornucopia of arpeggiated synths, pads, basses, chords, stabs, flows, percussions, chimes, and angular special effects, Octagon unlocks your creativity at every turn.

Who’s Daniel Stawczyk?

Poland based Daniel Stawczyk aka Status is a sound designer collaborating with numerous software instrument developers and has released over 30 nicely received sound sets. Let alone hundreds of presets for factory sound banks released along with the premieres of several instruments worldwide.

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