Gumroad – Tech Tip Series: Essentials 1 – 3 – Joe Peterson Free Download


Gumroad – Tech Tip Series: Essentials 1 – 3 – Joe Peterson Free Download

Title: Gumroad – Tech Tip Series: Essentials 1 – 3 – Joe Peterson

Tech Tips and Tricks! Hard-Surface Design Series.

These are the first in a series of short lessons/tutorials breaking down my process of designing sci-fi oriented TECH, HARD SURFACES, and MACHINERY. There are many more to come, these are just the first!

The essential/beginner series is to help anyone understand simple concepts which lead to detailed and professional results. As we all know, complicated subjects are composed of many simple elements. This series is an in-depth look at those simple elements! Tips are presented ONE AT A TIME for easier understanding!

In addition, I include a focused demo showing all the tips in action and being used to design a professional concept.

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