Groove3 Silencer Explained TUTORiAL


Groove3 Silencer Explained TUTORiALJoin mixing expert Larry Holcombe for a comprehensive Silencer video course! This way-cool plugin from Wide Blue Sound is different from your standard reverbs in that it’s not a reverb of its own; it’s used in conjunction with other plugins (reverbs, but also delays and others), organizing them and providing an entirely different level of control previously offered. Larry will cover all of these features and more along with providing plenty of useful tips and demonstrations. These Silencer videos are designed for new users.

Larry welcomes you and begins with an overview of the interface, so you’ll have an idea of where everything is located before jumping in, followed by a quick demonstration of Silencer’s basic functionality. Then you’ll learn all about the Trigger, Hold, Mix, and Reverb controls, which are used to fine-tune the triggering and reverb lengths, as well as the filtering possibilities.

Next, you’ll cover the additional channel strip options, including Time Gate (for hosting third-party VSTs and triggering them), Strip (for adding weight and air to your reverbs), Focus EQ (for boosting/cutting of the dry signal and reverb signal independently), and Sidechain (for ducking applications). To close out the Silencer course, Larry shows you how to trigger the reverb via MIDI and how to save and manage presets.

If you’ve heard what Silencer can do, you know what a powerful tool it is. With this Silencer course, you’ll learn everything you need to know about using it quickly and will be ready to start implementing it with your very next production. Say goodbye to boring, muddy reverbs that unnecessarily clutter up everything! See the individual Silencer video tutorial descriptions for more information on what this plug-in can do and how it can give your recordings the clarity and polish they’ve always wanted. Turn reverb on its head… Watch “Silencer Explained®” now!

What You Will Learn:

-Interface layout and feature descriptions.

-Fine tuning the reverb triggering and length with the Trigger, Hold, Mix, and Reverb controls.

-Adding third-party VSTs and tweaking them with the channel strip options: Time Gate, Strip, Focus EQ, and Sidechain.

-Triggering the reverb with MIDI, managing presets.

-And more!


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