Phil Speiser THE_BANK Suite for Ableton Live 11


Phil Speiser THE_BANK Suite for Ableton Live 11All you need to build Release-Ready Beats
THE_BANK is the ultimate deal if you are producing HipHop, Rap, Lo-Fi, RnB, Trap or Drill…

Turn your ideas into pro-level productions – easier than ever.

All inside Ableton Live 11 – No external plugins required.

Get your Drums to a whole new level. 10 Drum Kits, 50+ Drum Samples used in songs with millions of streams, Drum Midi Patterns for instant inspiration and pro-level percussion loops – all at your fingertips.

The virtual instruments inside THE_BANK will bring the unique character of your track to life. On top of that, you will stop playing wrong notes forever by using THE_HACK on your virtual instruments.

The Audio Effects inside THE_BANK are “the last mile” on your way to a release-ready HipHop Record. Use them to make people feel something when they’re listening to your tracks.


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