Excite Audio Bloom Drum Machine v1.2.0 [WIN+MAC]

Excite Audio Bloom Drum Machine v1.2.0 [WIN+MAC]

Excite Audio Bloom Drum Machine v1.2.0 Excite Audio directly recorded the signature sound directly from analogue drum synthesisers that soundtracked the 70’s, 80’s, and 90’s. Then, in order to emulate the iconic tones of ‘sample-based’ grooveboxes, they recorded and processed live drums using analogue hardware units and digital mixing techniques,...

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HTTMUSIC Darbukator Traditional KONTAKT

HTTMUSIC Darbukator Traditional KONTAKT

HTTMUSIC Darbukator Traditional KONTAKTDarbukator Traditional enables composers to easily and quickly create authentic sounding ethnic percussion tracks. 4 Instruments arranger for full rhythm track (Doholla, Doff, Darbuka, Riq) Loop based styles with rich variety of articulations. Detailed one shot kit. Arranger and loop modes available. Features: •24 BIT Samples. •Arranger...

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JMGSound Cyberdrive v2.1 [WIN]

JMGSound Cyberdrive v2.1 [WIN]

JMGSound Cyberdrive v2.1 The final word in distortion has just been said. You may throw all your distortions in the TRASH, now. With a great help of Dr. Distorstein we created a weapon of mass distortion. We wrote the final chapter and made the distortionest distortion that crushes everything. The...

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Kael Alden Vibe Rewind v2.0.1 KONTAK

Kael Alden Vibe Rewind v2.0.1 KONTAK

Kael Alden Vibe Rewind v2.0.1 KONTAKClassic synths the way they were meant to be heard, ON TAPE! Going far beyond mere emulation, this Kontakt instrument captures the authentic sound of real analog synths blasted to real tape and VHS. All with a powerful and intuitive interface, making it quick and...

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